
So many planets, so little time. Have a look into Alpheans' culture and world.


What makes them tick? Why are they so weird? Here is a handy page for all your biological needs.

The Prime System

Even though they have conquered many planetoids, the alpheans take great pride of their own Prime System.
Each planet has a specialty of their own and they help keep the Alphean kind going.

A Beginner's Guide

For the ones interested in indulging on the community, the ongoing story, and more!

Meet the Npcs

The world of Alphea has some interesting individuals- and a gnarly underbelly. Some of them help the species develop, some seek its destruction.


Cultural BasicsAlphean society bears many similarities to our own. Alpheans must work to sustain themselves, selecting their occupations early in life, although some may change their paths later on. However, their cultural landscape diverges significantly when it comes to their exploration of the cosmos. Recently, Alpheans have displayed a burgeoning interest in interstellar travel, transcending the confines of space stations on neighboring planets in their quest for knowledge. This progressive leap marks a significant cultural advancement for Alphean society.Alpheans maintain a profound connection with the spiritual realm, albeit not in the conventional sense of worshipping deities. Instead, they perceive the three forces of their planetary system—Hoa (Soul), Grusha (Body), and Molatadi (Mind)—as elemental energies rather than omnipotent beings. Their lack of adherence to traditional religious practices frees them to focus on the advancement of society, viewing religion as inconsequential to their lives. This perspective has propelled their technological and social progress, fostering a culture where diversity of thought is celebrated in pursuit of common goals. Academic pursuits hold great significance for Alpheans, with many individuals pursuing multiple degrees throughout their extended lifespans, embodying the belief that learning is a lifelong endeavor.ALPHA OR EA?
Alpheans primarily inhabit Alpha, the tangible planet within the Alph'Ea system. In contrast, Ea remains an enigmatic anomaly, invisible to the naked eye and inaccessible through conventional means. Its socio-political instability has earned it the moniker "Purgatory" among its inhabitants, deterring outsiders from seeking passage to its mysterious depths.
Despite the challenges posed by Ea's precarious environment, some Eans—residents of Ea—choose to migrate to Alpha out of necessity. Adaptation to a new culture and climate can be arduous and time-consuming, making first-wave immigration a rarity. Eans, viewed by other societies as supernatural beings due to their origins in an unseen realm, coexist alongside Alpheans on Alpha, collectively known as Alpheans. It's important to note that Eans are regarded as off-limits within Alphean society due to their complexities and limitations.Interdimensional traveling
Alpheans boast advanced technology and a peaceful disposition, enabling them to traverse different dimensions through Ai gates. However, this feat requires extensive preparation, with Alpheans undergoing a two-year process to acclimate their bodies for interdimensional leaps. Organizations like the Leaping Bunny facilitate this transition, allowing Alpheans to explore alternate worlds discreetly. Many Alpheans opt to remain in these interdimensional realms, choosing to keep their existence clandestine.
[Out of story, this is the mechanic given to voided designs in lore, they simply wished to leap off the known galaxy, which makes it able for them to return if unvoided]
Respect for superiors among Alpheans is demonstrated through demeanor and formality rather than overt gestures. Protocols dictate appropriate forms of address for higher-ups, emphasizing the use of last names or titles and discouraging physical contact unless initiated by the superior.
Alphean funeral customs vary between Oceanwalkers and Landwalkers. Oceanwalkers traditionally allow their bodies to be consumed by underwater fauna, fostering marine ecosystems. Meanwhile, Landwalkers often opt for burial or cremation, with a growing preference for cremation coupled with the planting of fauna.
Hard of Hearing
Alphean sign language diverges from traditional ASL and BSL to accommodate the diverse facial features of its practitioners. Two main variations exist, one focusing on arm movements and the other primarily hand-based, ensuring effective communication across varied physical traits, including blindness or limited vision.
Following a conflict stemming from resource scarcity and overpopulation, a segment of Alpheans embarked on colonization ventures to the Empty system. These pioneers sought to establish new societies free from established customs and lineage, resulting in distinct cultural developments across habitable planets. Despite a shift towards embracing their Alph'Ean heritage among later generations, the aftermath of war led to a widespread exodus from the Prime system, with many seeking refuge elsewhere.
Life in the Sea
Oceanwalkers epitomize the mystical allure of the ocean, seamlessly integrating into its depths and currents. Their world is a realm of wonder, where seaweed becomes parchment and gel-like drinks sustain them beneath the waves. Oceanwalker cities, constructed from rock and giant corals, stand as monuments to their affinity with the ocean's embrace. Unlike the sprawling cities of their terrestrial counterparts, Oceanwalker settlements are vertical marvels, rising from the ocean floor in testament to their unique way of life. Each level of these underwater metropolises holds its own secrets and wonders, reflecting the depth and diversity of Oceanwalker culture.

WALKer types

Land Walking Alpheans:
Land society is very akin to ours, very tech savvy, living on the internet a bit too much. If your Alphean is a land walker then you will get to know each other in no time.
Ocean Walking Alpheans:
Water societies are not so different from land ones, they have developed means to be advanced and catch up to their dry counterparts. Water Alpheans CANNOT leave water bodies for long periods of time without proper gear because it will damage their bodies and organs. Just as how Land Alpheans cannot be underwater for too long because they will drown.
Deep Sea Native Alph'ea:
The mysterious residents of the deep sea prefer to not communicate much with the rest aside from trade, they are very reserved and known to have very cryptid-like attributes. There are very few ambassadors from the deep sea.
While unable to reproduce, they occasionally witness the emergence of new individuals. The reasons behind this phenomenon remain unclear, as deep sea Alpheans keep their activities and history secretive, especially regarding their role in past wars and their dwindling population.


Leaping Bunny:
LB is an organization that has monopolized the act of interdimensional travel, apart from that they have been able to slowly cover ground in main Alphea and successful colonies. Led by 5 CEOs you can call it a mega-corporation on the level of Amazon or Google for us. If there is a service to provide and gain money from, there will be an LB logo on it.
The Investigation Bureau:
The IB is the organization that handles specialized crime within mainland Alphea. Juan, Sotheby, and the team are part of the IB and will carry out full-blown investigations on people if there is a law being broken. They are great and valuable assets. Alpheans cannot be associated with the main 5 criminologists until stated otherwise.
Land-Water Ambassadors:
Alpheans capable of living on both land and water are crucial to the society of the main home planet. They are known to mostly do social duties that involve trade and politics between both parties. They are known to be roamers and have a nomadic way of living.
Reservoir Guards:
Exclusive to the Alph'Ea planet these are individuals who are tasked to guard reservoir domes. Because of the overpopulation and mistreatment of the planet, Alphean Animalia is on the brink of extinction. The domes are the government's attempt to stop them from fully going extinct. Hunting and eating local Alphean Animalia is strictly forbidden and an Alphean can serve a long sentence in prison for it.

Extended information

In Alphean society, education is a priority for the young, who receive guidance from highly trained educators from infancy. Technology is withheld until adulthood, fostering critical thinking and a connection to nature. Academic professions are esteemed, with well-compensated educators ensuring future generations are equipped for societal contributions. Regular conferences facilitate knowledge sharing and keep professionals updated on advancements.
Alphea's fashion eschews fast trends for meticulously handmade designs, valuing quality over quantity. Fashion designers are esteemed for their craft, crafting enduring pieces cherished for their significance. Personalized gifts, such as clothing featuring celestial maps tied to birth dates, reflect the culture's reverence for celestial events.
Convicted Alphean criminals face exile to the harsh ice planet Eneos, where manual labor serves as both punishment and rehabilitation. Last name redaction, a sign of respect, ensures familial honor remains intact despite individual actions. Redacted individuals are integrated into society without discrimination, emphasizing personal choice in name redaction.
Despite the redaction of their last names, Alphean society does not exhibit hostility towards individuals with redacted identities. Instead, they are treated with the same dignity and respect afforded to all members of society. The decision to redact a last name is viewed as a personal choice, and individuals with redacted identities continue to participate in society without prejudice or discrimination.
Energy Cores
Alphean technology relies on polished energy cores, renewable sources mined from Eneos. These cores power various applications, shaped into standardized orbs for conductivity. Safety measures ensure minimal risk, with transportation overseen by organizations like Leaping Bunny. Customization is possible but entails extended production timelines.
Sports: Moonracing
Moonracing, a perilous sport, predominantly attracts Landwalkers due to its physical demands and gravity hazards. Participation varies across planets, with sponsorship crucial due to high costs. Rigorous training, sometimes involving internships on Ezra's planet, is essential for longevity in this competitive arena.
Sports: Nonathlon
Once a year, the system hosts their own version of Olympics to allow non hybridwalkers to display their skills at survival. The event consists of one challenge on each planet participating that makes the alphean live at the edge in some way, most of these are what we call "extreme" sports. Participating on a Nonathlon can risk you an eye or a leg, so when one survives it- a lot of respect is held for that alphean.
Rangers fulfill diverse roles across planets, ranging from conservation to resource protection. Their focus varies based on planet-specific challenges, from biodiversity conservation to weather pattern management. Despite varied responsibilities, their commitment to environmental stewardship unites them across Alph'Ea.


Alpheans have many traditions, just like any other culture. These traditions and celebrations range from species-wide or planetary-specific. They hold traditions close to their heart, as these traditions helps Alpheans bond with others- or simply have a nice time and de-stress from work-life matters. Some examples of traditional festivities are Armisticio and Rotation Day.Armisticio: The holiday where Alpheans celebrate the end the great war, and 2nd chance at creating a better life. Since the Alpha-Alphean war ended, Alph’Ea and the secondary planets commemorate soldiers who have passed paving a new way of life for others, and appreciating their family and friends around them. This has been a very long held tradition, consiting of a week long celebration of homemade gift-giving, tasty foods and dance.Rotation Day: Just like us, Alpheans love celebrating new years. But with the catch of no matter the planet they are on, they always follow Alph’ea’s rotation schedule. This was agreed with all planets to keep a time consEstency. Some planets also have a secondary calendar that links to their own planet’s system rotation and celebrate it aswell.Night of the Hollow Moons: The Night of the Hollow Moons is a Xuxian based holiday, where Alpheans dress up as the scariest thing they’ve encountered in their lives, whether it be the horrors of the forest, to a terrifying internet scam. The costumes consist mainly of masks and humongous, often silly, headwear, but if your Alphean is super into the the festivities, a whole head to toe costume is made, maybe exactly replicating the horror they’ve seen.

L.E.As and animalia

L.E.A : Your Friendly Mechanical Companion!Due to a history of war and overpopulation, Alpheans have run Animalia on their main planet to near extinction. To maintain the little Animalia they have left, Alpheans have turned to have AI-lead animal-looking companions called L.E.As. These robotic fellas often are able to accomplish a wide arrange of tasks while still acting like the Animalia they are inspired by through an impressive amount of programming. The corporation, Leaping Bunny, was the creator and is currently the main manufacturer of these companions. Alpheans have chosen them as replacements for everyday pets in main Alph’Ea, since the keeping of Animalia outside reservoirs has been strictly banned and outlawed.There is an original L.E.A, the first software, which has gained her own sentience after ... various events. This is an exception to the rule and no L.E.A is capable of developing sentience like her. Leaping Bunny made sure of that.Within L.E.As, tasks, options, and programs are typically customized to suit individual users' needs. While there may be universal features akin to those found in popular virtual assistants like Alexa, additional modules or equipment may be required for specialized functions, such as projecting movies requiring a lens attachment.


In Planet
To minimize the inorganic impact on their planets, Alpheans have established a network of teleportation stations across their entire planet. These minimalistic structures enable eco-friendly transportation, allowing Alpheans to traverse the planet without large vehicles. While teleportation stations are widespread and free, some areas like nature reserves encourage walking as a travel option. Cities and towns are designed with pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, prioritizing foot traffic and alternative transportation modes like bicycles.
Off Planet
For interplanetary travel, Alpheans have access to convenient transportation options, such as ship cruises, which can transfer individuals between planets within the system in a matter of days for a fee. These ship cruises provide a comfortable and efficient means of travel, typically requiring one day per planetary distance traversed.
Teleportation technology does not reach off planet. Technology in Alphean society is influenced by nature, with most devices taking on organic shapes and resembling animals. This design approach reflects a cultural shift towards appreciating and preserving the natural world, following past experiences of overpopulation and environmental devastation. While some older, more inorganic models of technology may still exist, they are often viewed with amusement or disdain in favor of the more organic-inspired designs.It only takes going to a terminal and getting a ticket to make it accessible for your Alphean to travel to other planets in the Prime system. Traveling between planets within the Alphean system requires each individual to possess a passport, with some planets imposing additional requirements such as visas and limited stays. While some planets freely welcome tourists, others may have stricter entry protocols. Passport checks are typically conducted on moons before individuals are transported to planets via various means of transportation.Border security protocols vary between planets, with Alpheans subjected to thorough inspections for any items they bring into a planet. Some planets, like Xuxia, prioritize the security of organic products, while others, such as Ono, focus on medicine. However, all planets share a common rule: the smuggling of Ean-related artifacts from the main planet is strictly prohibited, as such artifacts are known to perish during interplanetary journeys.Spaceships
Ships in the Alphean system are designed for water or land, optimized for each environment with specialized equipment. Water ships excel in aquatic environments, while land ships navigate on solid ground. Nessan's barren landscape makes it ideal for ship development trials, while Eneos specializes in water-specific ship design. Cryo technology, used on expeditions, temporarily slows aging but is rarely used due to potential risks and side effects.


Basic Rundown
Alpheans are humanoid people from the planet Alph'Ea, a dual system of a terrestrial planet and a ghost planet. They take after many species and are generally very diverse in body type and abilities, but one thing that all Alpheans are capable of doing is the shifting of their skulls. When in danger, or during moments of high emotion, they can shift their heads into ferocious animals thanks to their Ai (soul).
This change can take a minute or hours, depending on how much training one has with shifting, see below for more information on the topic.
A very trademark feature of them is that they have 4 fingers in each hand. This is the main giveaway of their Alphean ancestry in other societies.The current lifespan of an Alphean is 400 human years, thanks to their evolutionary line. Adulthood is reached upon 18 years of age, where they become able to access technology in its full capabilities. When thinking of alpheans, we encourage to follow the logic of elves. 50 years is still a lot, even if it is just 1/8 of their full livespan. Depending on their bodies they can grow up to 3.30 meters long, however, consider an average height of an Alphean to be 2.30m as they are bigger creatures than humans. Most of society is built around the average height, which is something to keep in mind when considering heights. Be kind to taller Alpheans bumping their heads on doorframes.Due to the Alph (Terran) and Ea (spiritual) planets being co-existent and interdependent, as mentioned above, certain biological mutations have shown up in Alpheans, including their reproductive organs. This led to them having a vague concept of "gender" as a whole. The Alphean nomenclature is based on the upper and lower reproductive parts- or the lack of them. In Alph'Ea there are male, female, and intersex reproductive organs, as well as the ability to have none.Alpheans can have the same upper and bottom parts, but also due to their advances in biology can be born naturally with a mix of both, which is more common than one would think due to the mix of Alphen (terrestrial) and Ean (supernatural) bloods. The more Ean blood in an individual the more likely they are to lack reproductive parts. This is not a problem for Alpheans as they have been able to reproduce artificially for centuries now thanks to technological advances. Alpheans do not perceive gender and sex the same way we do, while they do acknowledge biological differences, these differences do not affect how they interact with each other and their environment, nor the roles they have in society.Tsuka: The Shifting of the Skull
As explained above, Alpheans can practice Tsuka, shifting their Ako heads into a form that resembles a beast. In Alphean society showing your Tsuka as a way of threatening another is considered a bit prehistoric and barbaric, as they believe they evolved beyond the need of it. This doesn't mean they judge people for preferring their Tsuka over their Ako (humanoid) forms, but you will get a couple of side glances if you do so.
This change can take a minute or multiple hours on how much training one has with shifting. The force of one's Ai determines how quickly the muscles and bones move to form their animalistic face, and with practice, one can learn to be quicker with the shift. The difference between these two states is denoted as such; Ako for a more "human" face, and Tsuka for their animalistic form. An Alphean can choose to keep their Tsuka or Ako permanently, for their reasons. With quick changes of the skull, many calories are burned in a short time span, expending a lot of energy. This causes the Alphean doing the shift to vaporize parts of their bodily fluids into a cloud of mist, taking the colour of the Alphean's blood. If one attempts a quick change without proper training, the muscles get strained at the sudden harsh movement and tear, causing a swollen face with pain akin to slipping a disk.In addition, when Alpheans are shifting, the muscles and skin are extremely sensitive, as they are in the process of doing something very hard on their own body. This means that if someone were to attempt to touch or assault an Alpheans face mid-shift, it would be incredibly painful, even rendering some in a short state of paralysis. Alpheans are known in the cosmos as “The Unfinished Ones”, alluding to what is the most trademark of their species, the fact that they are naturally mutated and seen as “imperfect” by alien standards. Alpheans take their differences and mutations in pride however, recognizing what makes them unique.The Capabilities of Ai/Ean Scarring
Alpheans do NOT have magical energy (like how Omegia has Bo) but in fact have very advanced technology instead. They have Ai, the soul, which is still an essence of life. The Ai cannot be manually changed or shaped but it can be damaged permanently. When their Ai (soul) is damaged in a section of their body by unknown means it leads to Ean scarring, shown through stark white pigmentation on an Alpheans skin, and can cause death if severe enough. This makes them suffer discoloration in the damaged part of the body which cannot be reversed.
Scarring is often caused by Eans or Ean-related objects, including Ean artifacts. This is why Alpheans tend to decide to not mess too much with those elements of their culture, some things are best left undisturbed.


SexesAlpheans can be born with a large array of combinations when it comes to reproductive organs. Note though, that none of these are capable of creating life, meaning all Alpheans are infertile. Due to years of practicing artificial creation, their bodies have been rendered reproductively useless. There have strange cases of pregnancies being able to happen, but most of these either lead to miscarriage or malformed fetuses. They have deemed it inhumane to procreate naturally due to this and create life through advanced embryotic lab processes.The naming of the sexes consists on the first part,
the lower body:
Chi - Male
Ri - Female
Tzi - Non
Yi - Both (intersex)
And the upper body:Va - Female
Da - Male
Ra- Non
For example: for them a human male would be referred as a Chi-Da while a human female would be referred as a Ri-Va

Notes on Reproduction

  • Alphean DNA and genetics are very volatile, which leads to an extremely high rate of mutations and deformities in naturally concieved children.

  • Because of this, almost all Alphean kind is deemed infertile, as they were evolved out of the capacity to reproduce.

  • Most naturally concieved Alpheans will not survive their first month of life due to their mutations and deformities. Those that do survive their first month of life tend to have very counterproductive mutations. Examples are: extremely large or small body parts, unneven body parts, duplicate body parts/organs, and serious health conditions.

  • Additionally, menstruation is absent in Alpheans, as it evolved out of their biology.

  • Having previously experienced overpopulation, the Alpheans now closely monitor and restrict artificial childbirth to heal the planets damaged by war. The scarcity of infants reflects their efforts to carefully manage population growth and preserve the environment for future generations.


  • Due to the volatility of Alphean DNA, it is considered unethical to naturally concieve children at this point. Therefore almost all Alpheans are born through artificial means. This means that most perceived “biological flaws” can be and are removed from babies’ genes before they are “born”.

  • Note that in Alphean culture, a flaw is anything that can be fatal to the Alpheans health in the long run, not what makes them unique.

  • Having an oversized leg that makes them unable to walk is a flaw that will require amputation and prosthetics, being born with slightly changed ears is not a flaw. Our perception of disability is vastly different to theirs. For them, blind or deaf people are not disabled, someone with half a torso developed and the other not IS disabled because they physically cannot function or survive.

  • Instead they call these things that make living a little harder "corruptions", implying they themselves aren't the thing that is wrong. They simply have less functioning/corrupted parts.

Social Impacts

  • Normally Alphean parents want to keep their child as “true” to their original bloodline as possible. Adding new things in is frowned upon simply because having the ability to mess with the child does not mean they should.

  • This means that any genetic occurrences too far outside of what a bloodline generally has are removed if financially possible, changing yet-to-be born alphean is a very costy and hard thing to do. Social class does affect if this is done or not.

  • Examples of this are: unusual hues, unusually dim colours, and abnormally sized body parts.

Notes on Alphean Coloration

  • Alpheans believe their colourations come from a balance of spiritual traits.

  • Red (Red King) signifies action.

  • Blue (Blue Queen) signifies inaction.

  • Yellow (Unknown) signifies decision.

  • Together they make the essence of life. The will to act on something or not, and the change one decides to make in the world.

  • The less saturated/more dull an Alphean is, the less connected they are to Ea and these principles. The more saturated/brighter and Alphean is, the more connected they are to these principles.

  • Alphean colouration mixing follows similar rules to additive colour mixing.

  • The more clear an Alphean's colouration, the more clear their personality and driving principles are said to be.

Shades of Color

  • A pure white Alphean has a perfect balance of all three essences of Ea. Pure white/albino Alphean genes are very valuable as they are a blank slate for other coloured genes to be put on, because of this, they are often hunted down and killed. Alpheans relate this to their Ean ancestry. But do not deem this as a blessing, white pigment is a corrupted result of their body and more often than not, can bring serious health conditions.

  • Pure black colouration is seen as a corruption due to the pigment oversaturation (like Sotheby's spots). Alpheans relate this to their alpha ancestry. Those who side with Alphas think pure black pigment is a blessing from the past.

  • Alpheans can develop moles, vitiligo, and pigmented patches which are said to signify big changes in their way of life that are linked to the three Ean essences.

MutationsMutations within Alphean society are strangely common because of the way they reproduce. Some of these mutations are generational and others are specific to the Alphean. The strangeness of these mutations greatly vary and can go to extremes if bad enough. Mutations often come in symmetry and pairs which is why uneven mutations are deemed as rare. Depending on the planet the Alphean hails from, certain mutations are simply part of the package.Another way an Alphean can receive mutations post birth is unethical experimentation by certain NPCs or through Ean damage. These types of mutations can be very dangerous to an Alphean’s health and sometimes results on corrupted pigments.
Inherited traits among Alpheans are often inspired by the characteristics of animals. For example: fireflies are likely to exhibit bioluminescence, while possums are known for their distinct tails and mouths.
MechanicsMechanics and prosthetics are part of every Alpheans' day to day life. Even though their medicine is top notch, sometimes certain injuries are irreversible and therefore require a mechanic replacement to keep the Alphean living a normal life. There is a risk to this though, as when an Alphean replaces too much of their body with chrome, they will start slowly spiraling into severe cyberpsychosis that can only be treated with strict therapy and medications. Acquiring prosthetics and augmentations can also cost a hefty amount of credits, the change being irreversible once the organic part is fully replaced so it is advised to be smart about these changes.Customization of these mechanical parts is extensive and up to the Alpheans’ taste. Some may it have it resemble their old body or customize them to show off as a trophy. These mechanical parts work as extensions of the body and can reach the point to feel like a common organic limb.Cyberpsicosis and MetapsicosisIf pushed to the limit, an Alphean’s body will start eroding due to the extreme changes done to it. Erosion comes in the form of severe psicosis that can alter the Alphean’s state of mind and, if severe enough, their being. More often than not, there is no way back from these altered states and are deemed a slow countdown to the Alphean’s death, may it be mental or physical. This is a very real threat the Alphean population is aware of and why they are so mindful about changing their body to certain extents. Common surgery normally does not cause this, so small cosmetic changes such as adapting one's body subtly to fit their taste does not risk a psicosis trigger. Alphean doctors have found a greater chance of inducing these states when things like eyes, crowns, pigments and ways of walking are altered.

Notes on Teeth

  • Alpheans’ teeth can be flat and fairly smooth, thin and pointy, or a mixture of both.

  • Their teeth shapes are based on what they’re genetically suited to eating.

  • Flat teeth for herbivores, thin teeth for carnivores, and a mixture of both for omnivores.

  • Examples of animals with flat teeth are horses, rabbits, deer, and sheepshead fiish.

  • Examples of animals with thin teeth are sharks, vampire bats, lions, and wolves.

  • Examples of animals with mixed teeth are humans, gorillas, bears, and hedgehogs.

  • Fruits and vegetables are commonly eaten, like on Earth.

  • For meat, bugs and small rodents are commonly eaten by carnivores in Alphean society.

Teeth in Culture

  • “Flat teeth” and “thin teeth” can sometimes be used as insults.

  • There can be stereotypes that those with sharp teeth are more prone to violence, like the stereotype that East Asian people are clever.

  • Juan Ayala’s teeth are naturally flat, but he was kidnapped by a killer while working, who sharpened his teeth with files.

  • This suggests there are extremist groups/ideas about flat vs thin teeth.

  • Perhaps some kind of “we can be as deadly as them” mindset is held by some herbivorous groups.

Extensive information

In the realm of Alphean society, serious crimes may result in the removal of an individual's crown, traditionally made of hardened material such as horns. However, for those Alpheans without horns, alternative methods are employed to mark them as criminals. In such cases, individuals may receive a distinctive cut-out near the ear area, akin to tagging the ears of sheep. This method, often carried out using a hot iron, serves as a visible indication of their status within the community.
The ability to regrow horns or antlers is considered an inherent trait among Alpheans, specified in individual character references. However if the alphean lacks this mutation, broken horns cannot regenerate, so crowns, once damaged, remain so permanently.Name Redaction
In Alphean culture, redacted last names signify disownment or familial detachment. Names hold significant cultural importance, and the decision to redact a last name is a serious one, indicating a severing of ties with one's family.
Alpheans are known for hosting a multitude of names throughout their long lives. While retaining their original name is encouraged for consistency and continuity [and masterlist purposes, we do not use numbers, we use names], Alpheans often adopt multiple middle names and nicknames based on various contexts and life experiences. These names may reflect their roles, relationships, or personal attributes, allowing for a rich and dynamic expression of identity.The practice of adopting multiple names underscores the fluid and multifaceted nature of Alphean identity. Rather than being confined to a single name, individuals are free to embrace the complexity of their identities and express themselves through the diverse array of names they accumulate over their lifetimes.
Oceanwalkers and Air
Oceanwalkers have the ability to apply patches on their gills, allowing them to venture onto land temporarily. These patches typically last for 10-30 minutes, with longer durations possible if the wearer stretches their use. However, prolonged use can lead to breathing dirty water, necessitating the use of more advanced equipment or a water-containing suit for extended periods. The patches are not considered the most hygienic solution, with wearing a water suit being a more economical and practical alternative.
The concept of wearing patches is likened to breathing one's own oxygenated water, which can become increasingly unpleasant over time. Changing the patches or dipping into fresh water is necessary to maintain cleanliness and functionality. Ultimately, opting for a water suit is preferred for extended excursions on land. Patches are for quick escaped to those Alpheans that can handle the gravity outside the ocean.Medicine
Medicine in Alphean society has advanced significantly, resulting in rare instances of sickness primarily caused by reactions to external factors such as heat or poison. Alpheans can swiftly recover from injuries or illnesses, with broken bones mended within a day and specific conditions resolved through medical facilities. However, the decision to undergo treatment is left to the individual Alphean, as some view scars and injuries as symbols of their story and personality. Let it be said, most of their medicine uses a technology that mends organic surfaces to the way they were before, they are not used in aspects of their body given since birth.
In extreme cases where an Alphean's body shuts down, successful revival is possible within 12 to 20 hours, thanks to the presence of electrical currents in their brains during this time frame. However, repeated revivals carry significant risks, with potential permanent consequences such as loss of movement or major memory impairment. Thus, full body shut down is considered a serious injury, warranting caution in revival attempts to mitigate potential long-term effects on the individual's health and well-being.Children
Baby Alpheans display remarkable development, being able to walk within hours after birth.
Producing babies in artificial environments requires extensive education and expertise in bioengineering. Errors in the process are illegal and can have severe consequences. The technology involved is highly advanced, akin to craftsmanship, and only individuals with significant experience are considered for such tasks.


CultureThe system shares a lot of culture because they all came from the same planet ever so long ago. So if two Alpheans from different planets meet, it is most likely they'll have something in common. Planets themselves do have their own unique culture and traditions as well which may cause an odd clash every once in a while. Stereotypes for each planet exist and, more often than not, are used to poke fun at each other. If one would compare them to our lives, each planet would be akin to a neighboring country. Because of the distance and how the System is politically structured, war and conflict between them is always kept to a minimum. They all follow a “to each their own” philosophy.DiplomacyDiplomacy between planets in the main system is of great importance, since they need each other to survive. This helped the population develop a sort of familiar sense with each planet in the system. Traveling to each one may take a few days depending on the distance and it is common for Alpheans to go on vacation to other planets as a form of leisure. The leaders of each planet form the "Prime Roundtable", often meeting up to coordinate and plan future endeavors in the system. The roundtable is often very mysterious to common folk and their reunions are kept a secret for the safety of the leaders.AlienoidsAlpheans are open to the rest of the universe, this means that they have met Non-Alphean individuals. Because of this they are not strangers to alienoids, but opinions about it greatly vary. Alpheans are often at peace with many species, including the Aroboros and the Sigmahians, but this is often as long as they partake in a position of superiority over them politically. Most of these alienoids have decided to settle under the Alphean flag and therefore be at peace with them.It is very rare to see alienoids on Alphean planets, when it happens it is more often than not because of diplomacy efforts done by the Alpheans to benefit one another. The Alphean flag has a great ownership of their native galaxy, so it is often not recommended to be up in arms with them. Regardless of politics, opinions on alienoids vary greatly and the closer the Alphean is to the main planet, the more clueless they may be about them.


Specialties: History, Diplomacy, and LawAlph'Ea, the main planet of the Prime planetary system and the capital of Culture. Alph'Ea is unique in that it specializes and preserves cultural aspects of the past and future, being seen in their architecture and way of life, and being the main planet where Alpheans won the interspecies war.This planet is the only one to be shared with the Prime System's own spiritual plane, Ea. This plane causes Ean creatures to pop up every now and then, coercing the people to make contracts, which are not for the weak of mind or body.This planet also has quite the diverse population, with population wise, 60% landwalkers, 35% oceanwalkers, 1% deep sea cryptids, and 4% hybrids.EaEa is the ghostly planet that overlaps Alpha and is where Eans originate. It is, in itself, an oddity no one truly understands, but it is known that sometimes Eans may breach through gates that are scattered around the Alpha planet, remnants of the old war that gave Alpheans their independence from Alphas. An Ean crossing is considered a great tragedy, as their supercharged bodies cause great destruction and crossing always comes with the price of taking Alphean lives with it. Gates with fresh crossings are hazardous and it is recommended to not approach them at any cost.Eans are timeless beings that have been trapped in Ea since their conception, bound to be reborn each time they die, may it by murder or else. This caused Eans to become greatly tired of existence and when they manage to breach through, they simply decide to pass away soon after, stopping their endless cycle of rebirth. Eans that decide to keep on leaving are few and curious, examples being Jaycelin and Seretaya.


Specialties: Medicine, Tourism, and the ArtsThe medicinal planet of the Prime System. This ocean planet hosts the systems pharmaceutical industry, as well as the systems party city. Throughout all the deep oceans reside many oceanwalkers, working by day and enjoying the planets many bars and clubs by night.This planet, however, has a strict border control, and has a very closed off culture. King Vak Velani Vexok upholds the visa requirement strictly due to the export of medecinal produce, and to keep his planet and himself safe from competitors and threats.But! Managing to visit Ono will always result it a great time, and an interesting adventure into their so called "Florida man" culture.


Specialties: Agriculture, Farming, and FoodThe food planet, Xuxia differs greatly from the rest, being extremely vertical inclined. With a bountiful amalgamation of forests on land, and many, many caverns and caves underneath the surface. This planet is in no way a tourism planet, and if one goes in with that mindset, they will become food for the humongous carnivorous plants residing in the forests.This planet is considered to be one living creature at times due to the fact that the fauna and landscape need nutrients to survive, which they find among the many fallen rangers of the planet, hapless locals, and a couple clumsy tourists.To enter this planet, it's best to have a guide not to fall prey to Xuxia's craving for flesh.


Specialties: Ore Production, Energy, and HousingThe mining planet. This dark planet’s entire livelihood flourishes underneath it’s surface! The surface is too hot for the planetary residents, which is seen through the giant domes at the top of their cave systems, showcasing the ever-lasting colourful fires on the planets surfaces, burning from all the different minerals found just under the surface.These cities are carved from the rocks and caverns in theses systems, which are covered with unique glowing species of fungi. There is a clear class hierarchy in Atlussen II, seen through the amount of light you keep, the brighter you are the more rich you are considered, and vice versa. It is often recommended that tourists do not venture into the dark parts of the caverns, not knowing what horrors could reside there. This planet thrives off exporting materials and mining their planets resources, of which consists of many unique crystals, sediments, and rocks that are used for building materials across the Prime system.It should be noted this planet is not suited from ocean walkers as water is as scarce as the light in Atlussen II.


Specialties: UnknownThis Planet has yet to be unlocked


Specialties: UnknownThis Planet has yet to be unlocked


Specialties: UnknownThis Planet has yet to be unlocked


Specialties: UnknownThis Planet has yet to be unlocked


Specialties: UnknownThis Planet has yet to be unlocked


I'm a New Owner, What's The Story?First of all, welcome! If you found your way here it means you wanna engage with us on writing the in-universe story of the Alpheans. Now you may ask how does this work? Lemme give you a quick run-down!

  • Interacting with other Alpheans is encouraged, in fact, it helps develop your Alphean and other's!

  • Most of our interactions happen through the discord server, which is open to any owner!

  • There is not a set pace nor timeline to follow. As much as we like creating headcanons, what is happening in the "main story" you don't have to wait on people to do interactions, Alpheans have a lot of off time and regardless what's going on any shenanigans can happen.

  • Roleplaying in the in-character chats are not obligatory, people can involve themselves without having to enter the roleplay session, and they can still interact with others conceptually.

  • Shitposting, AUs, asking for help and the like are highly encouraged. We are all here to help you and have fun, it is never a bother to bring up ideas to the chat.

  • Making bonds with other Alpheans in canon. Interacting outside the "main" plot, making up their daily lives, it all helps put your character to life, don't feel dependent on the rest of the group to develop your baby.

  • The RP chats will always be a direct communication pathway to Nun, this means that if you need to start a conversation or gather information, your friendly angry orca man will most likely always respond.

  • The story and is related to Juan and the crew, but this is not always a good thing. Juan and the criminologists are from the IB therefore i would think twice on trusting the popo on this one.


Congrats! Your Alphean has become part of the Leaping Bunny crew. By this we mean they were invited to test out the wonders of interdimensional traveling the company has developed. But see, there's a catch! Leapers need to take some years to physically and mentally prepare for leaping, the company gives them a few years of buffer to also test if they're even capable to do so. That is where the main chat comes in.
Leapers are separated in group chats where they can talk to each other (accessed by the chips implanted in them when they sign into the program), in this case, all Alpheans are part of the same leaping program. Therefore they're all stuck in a group chat together, waiting for what eventually will happen.
There is a catch though-
This.. specific group chat has been intercepted by an anonymous, nameless (NUN) user that asked them for help. Warning that the multi-million interdimensional company is not as innocent as it may look... and also that they were the original creator of leaping technology, but their name got stolen alongside their credit. It is up to the Alpheans to decide if they want to help this anonymous being in getting his name back. They don't exist in any sort of physical record within Alph'Ea. So how do you trust a man that seemingly does not exist?

NUNThis entity is a tad weird, coming with side effects. Leapers seemingly can summon and talk with Nun as if almost summoning a ghost. They will see the tall Alphean hovering on the corner of a room, or asking about the trinkets your Alphean possesses. But they in no way can interact with the environment whatsoever. Collected hallucination or ghost in the machine, the leapers have yet to find out why this happens. And till then they have the ability to seek out this nameless entity at their disposal, may it to send the other messages or hell- even cheat in homework.There is an obvious bigger issue at play involving Nun, as well as various NPCs that will show up (Sotheby, who is a cop, for example) and the shady Leaping Bunny company. If your Alpheans decides to jump into the mystery blind and help the rest solve the riddle is up to them. At the end of the day there is one truth to the matter: This new interdimensional technology may be more questionable than what it was already known.Nun can ALWAYS be accessed through the DISCORD SERVER, since those are the chats they seemingly have intercepted. But be careful this line of communication is fragile, and if they get caught, it may be game over.


What are NPCs?NPCs are Alpheans owned by InkAntlers, who’s purpose is to expand the world via lore and interactions. The Alphea Project has existed since 2013 and so did these characters. They will be part of the world 's reasons things happen, such as outfit tickets or new mutations and are intended to help an owner develop their character in the current story if they want.Please be mindful that these characters have a story ongoing REGARDLESS the owners and the community and most of their development can be behind closed doors in personal instances. Most of these Alpheans are exceptions to many stated rules by the nature of their story and making a custom character related to them must be done with strict permission of InkAntlers.NPCs and LoreMany of the reasons the world is the way it is, is because of NPCs and their role within the planets. Such as Ajax and their position in the Leaping Bunny corporation or Vak and their royal status. A planet and how its inner politics work sometimes is greatly affected by them, sometimes not. An Alphean recognizing the existence of these NPCs in their day to day life is optional because regardless of their celebrity status, not everyone has to know about them. These big roles within the Alphean world are often left just for NPCs as a whole to ensure the narrative is not disrupted by third parties or personal issues.It is common for owners to sometimes justify big events in their character’s life on actions the NPCs have done globally, being the CEOs' influence on the world or incidents that happened in relation to them. This is allowed and you are encouraged to inquiry about this to make it work for you.Connecting with NPCsConnecting with NPCs or having your Alphean related to them is as easy as asking InkAntlers about it. More often than not, there are ways to fit your Alphean in a way the instance would be viable. But we don’t want you to think NPCs are above other Alpheans simply because of what they are, other owners also would enjoy connecting their stories to yours, may it simply being in passing or close connections.


Faction: Investigation Bureau / Reservoir GuardChief Officer & Detective Ayala is the leader of the Investigation Bureau’s “Alpha” team. Because of this he has gained the reputation of the “Maneater” inside the force. His team is Alpheans' own flavor of a suicide squad, deployed to catch the most wicked and vile of murderers, them themselves being a group of strange individuals with blood on their hands, many not by choice.Throughout his century-long career Ayala has locked up as many people as he has lost in the process, he is not afraid nor stranger to the concept of death at the cost of justice, but it still weighs heavy in his mind. Because of this he has developed an intense addictive personality and revels in substances to ease his mind. He is the Hunter of Hunters, feared by both good and bad for how unstable his morality may be.


Faction: Investigation Bureau / GUCA UniversityDr. “Sotheby Zhou” is a behavior analyst and profiler for the Investigation Bureau that carries a bit of a track record of twisting people's arms a little too much. He graduated from his focus studies the same year as Ayala and has made a long and extensive academic career simply deconstructing the wonders of the Alphean psyche.When he is not in the field with the Alpha team he passes his time by teaching criminal psychology and IB protocol at the Great University of Central Alphea (GUCA for short) located in the capital centralite city of Oblivi where the IB is now located. He is a reserved, stoic individual that has photographic memory and will call people out if needed.

Seretaya Vega

Faction: Investigation Bureau / EanOne of the Eans that crossed in the great massacre of the old IB offices. Taya is a witty and loud Ean that partakes special interest in seeing how people tick in extreme circumstances. They are Juan's local hellhound and will hunt down any target - for a price. He works in the Alpha team as Evidence Collector and Forensic Artist.


Faction: Investigation Bureau / EanBeing the other half of the breach back in the IB's massacre, Jaycelin is a Ean of war that simply decided to retire. She works in Juan's team as Medical Examiner and Morgue Lead. Finding joy in the macabre, it is not strange to hear her crack a few morbid jokes here and there. When needed she can use her extensive training in weaponry to use.

Solaen Galceran

Faction: Investigation Bureau Child of the old IB's groundskeepers, after the breach Sol became a permanent member of the IB's system. They now work under Officer Ayala as part of the Alpha team and are in charge of everything paperwork and communication. Outside their job they live a carefree van life and indulge in photography. They love complaining about their job and making friends.


Faction: Leaping BunnyEscaping from a lab in the highest mountains of Alph'Ea, Nun is a curious- unknown individual that has been using the Leaping Bunny app to communicate with fellow travelers, hoping they'll help him get his name back.Nun is partially inorganic and is not very good with context queues.


Faction: Leaping Bunny CEOAjax is one of the CEOs of Leaping Bunny, their origins are unknown. They are mostly known by name and do not visit the main Alphean planet often. Their main task is often keeping the company in good terms with the public eye. They are very good at diplomacy but that does not mean they particularly enjoy it.

Esperos Aeo

Faction: Leaping Bunny CEOEsperos is the pharmaceutical CEO of Leaping Bunny and is known for their unethical experimentation on all things living. This person has changed their body so much they have become a almagamation of body parts and features. They are in a complicated position as Ajax often gives them trouble for their lab experiments. Extremely dangerous individual.

Mikijuk & Kolaut Demientieff

Faction: Leaping Bunny CEOKnown as "Meteor & Comet" The Demientieff twins are a walking fusion of beings. They act, think and behave in unison therefore people regard them as the same being most of the time. These CEOs often take charge of everything related to legal procedures and politics, keeping L.B.'s image pristine.

Oculum Mortem

Faction: Leaping Bunny CEOOne of the CEOs of Leaping Bunny and the official death bringer to many people that decide to clash with them. They are the leader of a large and very loyal cartel group that has their base on Xuxia. Specializing on hit jobs and making people disappear, all under the philosophy of glorifying death at every turn. Often, dealing with this strange yet charismatic preacher can be met with loss of limbs and even self for the ones that suffered one of their "Kisses of Death". They are dangerously mutated.


Due to a long history and many events in Juan’s past, he contains three clearly different lucid states, representing three different people. Of which there is: Juan himself, the Oracle and an entity known as Prime. Depending on the situation, each of these dispositions may present themselves to whomever is interacting with Juan at the moment, and each of those dispositions will have their own quirks and manners, just as if they were three separate people entirely.Juan Ayala : The host of the three dispositions, he is an awkward but friendly soul known by many. Juan Ayala is known to many as Officer Ayala, as his competence in his job is unmatched, having gotten a knack for it through a father figure in the police force at a young age. Juan is more than eager to talk about his job to his friends and colleagues. This competency extends to the farm-land he owns, being almost an encyclopedia for many agricultural tactics, and ways in which to care for the farm-life that he hosts.Unfortunately, this competence does not extend to his emotional intelligence, often oblivious to social cues, ways on how to deal with high-conflict situations passively and general flirtatious advances as well. Overall, Juan is an easy person to befriend, but you must just be patient with him and his inability to cope with his emotions healthily, but a little cry doesn’t hurt anyone.Juan is also not of the same species as his friends and colleagues around him, unbeknownst to many, Juan is the last surviving Alpha, meaning his inner-workings and biology are fundamentally different to others residing on Alph’Ea.Oracle: An amalgamation of both Juan’s lucidity and fog. This mix of the dispositions cause the Oracle to have a very mysterious vibe. With a gray moral compass, he navigates the world as observantly as one can. Keeping in tune with his surroundings, and nothing done every detail he can see, feel and even taste. Living life to its max is the philosophy the Oracle follows. The Oracle is fascinated by relationships, and interactions with others in the world, being extremely emotionally involved with almost everyone he meets. The primal desire to have what others had is what drives him, and it results in him doing things for his own amusement, especially when it concerns more … sexual matters.Despite these emotional needs, the Oracle prefers to keep his mysteries to himself, and dislikes when others try to pry too deep into what he is, who he knows and why he’s here. He’s aware his time is limited, and wants not to delve into those topics. Other than that, taking after the other dispositions, the Oracle is extremely skilled in mechanical engineering and generally fixing and modifying technology, and has a knack for the more quantitative studies of life.Prime: A digital figment of an entity long gone. Prime was a war hero that saved the Alphean race during the Alpha-Alphean war, betraying his own kind to save something he found so very important. He is stored in Juan’s chip and mainly stays there, he doesn’t enjoy fronting the company of Juan and Oracle. When he is there, the man is not interested in the others around him at all, if anything can you say he’s a little disturbed? Additionally, he struggles to communicate with the others who are around him, speaking in the long forgotten language, Alpha, there are many barriers both social and linguistic when speaking to him. Eans forbid he is ever found in spaces with new technology, being an entity that existed in almost ancient history, he will most likely struggle or break newer technology that he tries using, and out of sheer curiosity or disrespect WILL steal belongings he finds interesting.The relationship with these three disposition are quite unique, as in they interact as if they were completely different people. Juan Ayala is a little scared of the other dispositions within him, but respecting Prime a little more due to his authoritarian demeanor. The Oracle finds Juan a little pathetic, but shares the same sentiment as he does to Prime. As stated above, Prime dislikes the both of them.


BasicsEans are non acquirable NPC characters of the world of Alph’Ea that helped the planet and society be what it is now. Most Alpheans simply regard them as living forces of nature or traces of a distant past. These take many forms as they do not have a concrete shape or way of being. Eans, due to being from the ghostly planet latched onto Alpha, more often than not have a hard time being able to manifest into the natural world due to being from a dimension above Alpheans’. This makes their only way of interacting with mortality being to manifest as strange eldritch entities for brief seconds, possessing a vessel or even hiding away on objects that are strong enough to hold them such as their own weaponry that strayed into the planet after the war.These creatures have a hard time grasping the nature of Alphean kind, or humanoids in general, so they decide to simply hide away when they pass over to the mortal world. Very few Eans are known to the Alphean kind, those being ones that were either forced or decided to interact with society as a whole. The rest simply stay within the shadows and, if comfortable enough, may favor humanoids for the right price. Much of the Alphean society live their life fully unaware of them because of how rare it is to come across them. Their exposure to the concept may come from folk tales or a historical recounting.Eans tend to follow one main principle followed by smaller aspects.
Ex: Seretaya Vega - Ean of the Deep and Dreamy, with lesser aspects of the hunt, Ean fire, nomadic principles and leadership.
Jaycelin Aveira - Ean of Lust & War, with lesser aspects of passions, relationships, weaponry, shadows and femininity.
ContractsBack in the old war, Eans assisted Alphas in the war efforts by doing contracts with them. A contract, for an Ean, is a sacred deal with another creature in exchange for something they wish. This can be events happening, material objects or more. Eans in most cases DO NOT contract with Alpheans, since they deem them an aberration of life and it goes against their own social norms. When contracting an Ean, the Ean now deeply relies on the humanoid fulfilling their part, if it fails, the Ean will grow sick and sometimes depending on the severity, die. Even if the humanoid forgets the contract, that is enough to make an Ean grow sickly. Juan Ayala, who is not an Alphean, is contractually bound to every Ean that was forced into showing themselves. Both parties describe it as a glorified cage for each other. Eans do not trust Alpheans enough to be able to uphold these sacred rules, thus only offer assistance through rituals, which are non binding and fully optional for the Eans. As ancient as Eans are, they will always try to set terms to the contract that fully benefits them and not the humanoid.Contracts types involve:
Limited contracts - a one time event contract that when fulfilled the Eans lets go of the humanoid.
Lifetime contracts - Normally bound to finish when one of the two die, most often the humanoid, this requires an ongoing ritualistic practice more often than not.Generational contracts - Contracts that go down the bloodline of the humanoid. Either until the goal is achieved or the humanoid’s kin breaks it, resulting in their death. Generational contracts are known to kill the ean as well.RitualsA ritual is basically a non binding contract between an Ean and a humanoid, these often involve the humanoid giving away their part of said agreement first and the Ean (if they wish) fulfilling by giving a favor. When favored by an Ean, the humanoid will be assisted on the prompted task. Rituals to gain favors are seen as very dangerous things to do because they require an Alphean, more often than not, to do unethical practices or losing body parts. Every ritual relates to the aspects the Ean represents in their nature.The chances an Ean takes a ritual is very unlikely, which makes it a gamble.For example, a known ritual for Seretaya Vega, the Ean working at the Bureau, is to burn teeth alongside other objects. The higher the sentimental value of the object the more chances the hellhound will favor the humanoid.Performing rituals is not prohibited in the Alphean main world but it may be in other planets depending on their historical relation to Ean people themselves.

Becoming a MythIn Alph’Ea there are families that have given their lives away to offer rituals towards a specific Ean. This requires many generations of practices that result in the Alphean bloodline distorting physically to reflect it. In Alphean kind, people that show the physical traits of a mythical creature in our world are evidence of tampering with the unknown, it comes with a great price. The longer a family has been honoring the Ean, the more forced they are to continue these rituals for the sake of their own survival. Eans deeply despise quitters & in the case a family quits their offering traditions they will bestow a curse onto the bloodline that will worsen until the whole kin is destroyed. An example of this is the Toussaints, who have stopped honoring their chosen Ean and now one of every child born is cursed to horrible burn marks which worsen with every generation. Most of the cursed families die out soon enough. In the eyes of Eans, the children of a humanoid that made an unspoken promise must carry the duty of their parents. They are (almost) eternal beings and do not forget these.PossessionSome Eans simply decide to not play nice and may attempt to possess humanoids that they are latched onto by any chance, this is a full possession and loss of the self, the humanoid becoming a mere puppet for this entity to use. Possession is very rare within the world’s standards but not impossible. The vessel that is possessed tends to expire as fast as one can expect. Lycurgus the Haunted is an example of an ongoing possession.FavorsWhen one mentions favors in the Alphean world, it often refers to odds and how they are stacked in relation to you. Gaining a favor of an Ean that has the aspect of the ocean may make you better at swimming, but it may also drown you. Ean kind do not see things in good or bad but simply in what they feel like it should be the outcome. Performing rituals will not guarantee your success but it might as well almost kill you because said Ean simply decided that the “favor” will be performed backwards. The chances of a favor backfiring is tied to the intentions the humanoid had when performing the ritual & if the Ean agrees to them or not. This is the biggest reason why rituals are seen as a double edged sword.PlanetsEans are a force of nature that mostly manifest in Alph’Ea, the main planet. This is because when Eans pass over they do not tend to leave the planet willingly. When rituals are performed in other planets within the Prime system, there is a higher chance these will fail simply because the Ean is not present in that cosmic body. Their reach lessens the more time they are in the mortal world simply because they lose their connection to their native world & plane. If an Ean is present on another planet, it is because they were contracted or tricked into straying away from the main twin planetoids. They will be weaker and most likely less willing to cooperate.Ean Scarring SymptomsScarring, most of the time, is caused by tampering with the Eans a little too much. This gives many Alpheans a solid reason as to why not to perform rituals or relate to Ean kind. After getting scarring, the affected Alphean will have phantom pains on the sections where the damage was made. Depending on the way they were hurt, those pains will change. A burn mark will hurt just like any other burn, a slash will make the tissue feel slashed once again at random intervals. This is why it is not advised to get Ean scarring, if at all. Without proper treatment these conditions are permanent. There are, on main land Alph’Ea, specialized doctors that treat these symptoms as much as they can, but sadly it is not possible to make them go away, simply lessen the pain. Cures vary a lot, some can be performing the right rituals towards Eans that can assess the damage. As stated above, if the Ean wishes to favor them, it can make the pain greater or lessen. Ean scarring can shorten the lifespan of an Alphean drastically if not assessed appropriately. The main element of this condition is damage to both body & spirit.


Basics On Ean AnimaliaAside from themselves, Ea also hosts animalia, as ours do. These are referred as "Ean Creatures" by most common folk. Just like Eans, they do not possess a physical vessel to manifest themselves when they pass over by accident. These creatures are not native to the mortal realm and can perish by persisting in it just like any animalia taken out of their habitat. Often perceived as lesser spirits or trickster minor entities, there are jobs in main Alph’Ea that revolve around taking these creatures home. When encountering one, it is practice to simply call a professional to take care of it. Ean creatures cannot be exported to other planets, doing this will simply make them perish in the journey. So it is a rare event that only happens on the main planet. Many Alpheans native to other planets have a strong fascination surrounding these beings.Ean Creatures and Scarring/CursesEan creatures, both in artifact form and not, react very strongly to Ean scarring because they sense it more strongly than mortals. To put it shortly, it smells like home for them and thus they become aggressive towards the scarred individual. They, though, have the absolute opposite reaction to cursed families. The long and slow progression that made the Alphean’s kin form distorted attributes infused in them made them gain the native smell of the Ean they once got favored by. This makes Ean creature management a common job for them, they are simply more likely to be surrounded by them.

Is Your Fridge Running?Ean artifacts are what happens when these creatures accidentally possess objects. These little fellas are not really smart enough to understand the complexities of possession, so when they latch onto random objects, these simply form eldritch qualities to them. When a creature gains a vessel it can be hazardous to be around. If an Alphean has the rare experience of getting their fridge haunted, the best course of action is to call a professional so they can catch, catalog and store away the creature until it can be split from its accidental new mortal body. Possessing an object lengthens the lifespan of the creature because it stabilizes them. Many professionals study Ean animalia through their artifact possessions. Depending on the danger they possess, they can even assist in catching other artifacts in the long run. The more dangerous type of artifacts need to be locked away for the sake of the Alphean kind. Keeping an Ean artifact is strictly illegal, Alphean kind do not understand how to properly co-exist with these creatures in day to day life. It can and will result in the death of the Alphean.Under the Ean animalia catalog there are two major NPCs who are tasked to look after these mishaps. The Aoki family, who have a sworn duty to help Ean creatures go back home via exorcisms & Lycurgus the Haunted, who is an artifact historian that catches and stores away any Ean artifact that may surface inside the Central Alph'Ea Museum for Ean Artifacts.


LOCATION: [ Xuxia (native), Alph'ea]

TYPE: [ Pollinator ]

Berbulu are small pollinator insects that swarm in small groups a reasonable distance from their hive. They are gentle and harmless creatures whose only goal is to gather nectar to survive each passing season. They have a distinctive blue and yellow coat with a glowing bottom which they use to communicate with their fellow hivemates. These insects are under the wildlife protection and those found damaging their hives will be fined.





Utumi are creatures that roam within the water caverns of Atlussen II. Their skin emits minimal light, which they use to find mates with a little dance. Slick and slimy, they're experts at moving through tight spaces in contorting ways. They are filter feeders, feeding on the minerals and nutrients that exist in muddy soil and sand. A species found to live between the bridges of earth and water.





Jak-Jaks are beetle-like bugs that originally kept Alph'Ea's farmland free of pests that ate the harvest of farmers. Their vibrant colors allow them to blend in with flowers during the day, and the sky at night. Xuxian farmers have taken a liking to them and have been using them on their own crops to keep harvests plentiful. They are mostly found in flower fields and in forests all over current reservoirs. Their fuzzy ears and tail also help them pollinate the fields they reside in.



LOCATION: [ Xuxia (native) ]

TYPE: [ Scavenger ]

Skulitkas are carnivorous snails that trudge along the floors and trees of Xuxia, looking for their new homes in the carcasses of dead animals and, when big enough, the skulls of fallen tourists. They use their pincers to loosen any left over meat from the bones, and then releases an acid that softens the flesh further, allowing the Skulitka to eat the flesh off the bones. They are normally found near bodies of water and near the bases of carnivorous plants, ranging from a blue-green to a red-purple ombre.



LOCATION: [ Xuxia (native) ]

TYPE: [ Filter Feeder ]

Yeon Guri are omnivorous frogs that reside in the few bodies of water around Xuxia, cleverly hiding themselves from predators by evolving to have a lilypad and lotus grow on their backs. They eat the algae, micro plants, and insects around their pond, keeping their respective populations in check. However with one insect, the Berbulu, they are amiable. The Berbulu pollinate their lotus flowers and allow for the micro plant population within the pond to sustain itself. With bigger Yeon Guri's its not uncommon to see a Berbulu taking a nap in their lotus flowers.


Keven & Becca

LOCATION: [ ONO (native) ]

TYPE: [ household pET ]

Kevens are a carnivorous fish species seen as Ono's pugs, with Beccas being the names of their female counterparts. Once beautiful fish, they have been bred to what they are today, showing the consequences of Alphean kind's hubris, a reminder of why messing with biology isn't a good choice. With world-wide competitions being common, Alpheans see who has the best groomed Keven, whoever's Becca is the largest, amongst other competitions of their vibrancies or teeth condition. Onoians are warned not to mess with a Keven's Becca, as they are known to bite. Keven's are known as the one's to bite, as their smaller brain allow for more space for their massive teeth.



LOCATION: [ ONO (native) ]


Yeikottes are a omnivorous fauna common across Ono, filtering mostly near ocean vents, and ensuring that Onoian waters are clean and not too saturated with the natural chemicals being released from the vents. They're commonly seen as pets as well, ranging in colours from blue and pink, to red and orange. Although they have tendrils, they are not harmful! The tendrils are mainly used to navigate waters and sense their food. Yeikottes often prefer living amongst at least one other their kind, or else they get lonely, finding the nearest cove to pass peacefully.



TEXTMauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.TEXTMauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.TEXTMauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.


Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.

Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, lorem sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget amet interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex sed nisl eleifend magna nisl et magna feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus tempor. Donec sagittis suscipit porta. Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla sed interdum.Duis mollis orci non erat convallis fringilla. Mauris porta ex id nisl eleifend blandit a eu ex. Praesent nunc massa, pellentesque sed finibus ac, vehicula eget diam. Sed faucibus feugiat neque eget interdum. Nunc at tortor eget purus faucibus sagittis suscipit porta.